Data on Characteristics of TANF Recipients

Last Updated August 2023

HHS puts out on annual report that includes state-by-state data on the Characteristics and Financial Circumstances of TANF Recipients every year. While the data in the report is somewhat limited, there is information in the report that may be useful. For the current TANF caseload, the report includes data on the number of recipients (adults and children), race/ethnicity, time limit exemptions and months accumulated, educational attainment, employment status, citizenship status, receipt of disability benefits, number of teen recipients (including teen parents), and the monthly average cash assistance payment. This report provides the best available information on the characteristics of child only cases.

The report also includes data on closed cases including the reason for the closure and employment status.

The report provides data separately for families served through an SSP (separate state program) which is funded only with MOE funds. These cases are not considered TANF cases and data on them is not included in the data in the report for TANF cases. (See Figure 2 and Table 2 in this report for information on the difference in TANF and SSP cases: Guide-to-Use-of-TANF-Funds.pdf (

Two cautions when using the data in the report. First, the data is provided directly by the states and is of varying quality. You should be wary of any data element where there is a large percentage of cases where the data is not reported or is reported as “other.” The majority of states provide data on the full caseload, but a substantial number only provide data on a sample. When states provide data on a sample, the data may be skewed towards longer-term cases.

You can find the most recent report at this link: State TANF Data and Reports | The Administration for Children and Families (

You can find the 2021 report at this link: Characteristics and Financial Circumstances of TANF Recipients, Fiscal Year 2021 | The Administration for Children and Families (

Some states periodically conduct their own studies that contain significantly more detail on the characteristics of TANF recipients.

Here is a link to a study done by Utah that includes very detailed data on the characteristics of TANF recipients, including data on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES):  Utah Redesign Wave 3 Report

Maryland produces annual reports on the characteristics of TANF recipients and leavers as well as some reports on special topics. (They have been producing these reports for most of the years TANF has been in existence.) You can find those studies at this link:  Safety Net Research (