Income Security Advocates

Filed Under: Intro to TANF, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Intro to TANF

Last updated 09/08/2023 TANF is a block grant with many dimensions to it that can make it complicated to understand. There are a number of resources available to help you get a basic understanding of TANF, then you can delve into specific topics for more detail. The short videos linked below and the powerpoint slides Intro to TANF

Filed Under: Housing Supplements, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Housing Supplements for TANF Recipients

One strategy states have used for getting additional cash to TANF recipients is to provide extra cash benefits to TANF recipients with high housing costs. Some examples: In Maine, TANF families can receive a housing supplement of up to $300 per month. Families are automatically considered for the supplement upon application or redetermination of their Housing Supplements for TANF Recipients

Filed Under: Spending: Third-Party MOE, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Spending: Third-Party MOE

Last Updated August 2023 Summary:  Expenditures that qualify as MOE include state and local government spending or third-party spending that benefits members of needy families and meets one of TANF’s four purposes. Examples of qualifying third-party expenditures include spending by food banks or domestic violence shelters on TANF-eligible families. Third-party MOE also can include in-kind Spending: Third-Party MOE

Filed Under: Earned Income Disregards, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Earned Income Disregards

Last Updated August 2023 States typically disregard a portion of a TANF recipient’s earned income before counting the remainder of the earnings in determining the family’s monthly benefit amount.  These state earnings disregard policies help to make work pay by allowing working TANF families to “keep” more of their earnings and not cutting off benefits Earned Income Disregards

Filed Under: EBT Cash Withdrawal Restrictions, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

EBT Cash Withdrawal Restrictions

Last updated August 2023  Summary: In recent years, we have seen state legislative efforts to restrict TANF recipients’ ability to make cash withdrawals from their TANF EBT accounts. Section 4004 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 which restricts TANF recipients’ EBT use also requires states to include in their EBT Cash Withdrawal Restrictions

Filed Under: Assistance vs. Non-Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Assistance vs. Non-Assistance

Updated August 2023 “Assistance” has a very specific meaning in TANF. It is important because families that receive “assistance” are subject to four specific requirements; (1) work requirements, (2) time limits, (3) child support cooperation requirements and (4) assignment of any rights they have to child support to the state and federal government. All monthly Assistance vs. Non-Assistance

Filed Under: Characteristics, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Data on Characteristics of TANF Recipients

Last Updated August 2023 HHS puts out on annual report that includes state-by-state data on the Characteristics and Financial Circumstances of TANF Recipients every year. While the data in the report is somewhat limited, there is information in the report that may be useful. For the current TANF caseload, the report includes data on the Data on Characteristics of TANF Recipients

Filed Under: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Work Requirements: Work Verification Simplification Filed Under: COLAs, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families


Last Updated: August 2023  Making recurring adjustments to TANF benefit levels to keep pace with inflation, such as through a statutory cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), maintains families’ purchasing power and helps them meet basic needs.   TANF benefit levels have not kept pace with rising costs. In July 2022, TANF benefits had lost value in 44 states COLAs

Filed Under: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Trauma-Informed Resources

Trauma-Informed Resources

The rate of trauma among TANF recipients is high. A study of TANF recipients in Utah found that 91.2 percent TANF recipients reported at least one adverse childhood experience compared to 58.9 percent of the general population. TANF recipients were also substantially more likely to report experiencing 5 or more adverse experiences (45.8 percent) compared Trauma-Informed Resources